Friday, April 17, 2009

Almost done with week 8 of 16

Good news this morning...although I have plateaud in the 183 range, my body fat % was 25.2 this morning, which is the first time it's been below 26. I did 8 miles with Sarah on Wed night (2 miles of warmup/cool down, and 16 x 1/4 mile "sprints" with 1/8 mile in between). We went about 1:46-1:57 for each of the quarters, which is just over 7 min pace to just under 8.
This weekend is 17 mile long run!

And then off to China for a week, so we'll see how running in the smog is.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

heading out for 15

I am going to try a couple things different today...I only have one GU packet, so I won't be continuously refreshing my carbs, and I'm going to carry gatorade on my belt, rather than leave it on the car and drink every time I come around Greenlake (gonna try to run somewhere different today).  I have a feeling it won't go well.  On the other hand, it will teach my body to use fat instead of carbs to run...maybe.  We'll see how it goes.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

1/4 mile gotta love 'em

My running buddy Sarah was sick tonight, so I was flying solo for our interval training.  I went 14x1/4 mile sprints (7:45 pace-ish) with 1/8 mile walking in between.  Tack on a mile warm up and a mile warm down and it turned into 7.33 miles.  Average pace, 11min mile.  Funny that's about what I'm running the long runs at. 
I've put in 18 miles so far this week, including a (short) long run of 8.4mi on Sunday.  This Sunday is a 15 mile run, so next week should be coming up on 30 miles.  Cool, huh?

I'm still a bit over 180, so I've got 10-20 lbs to lose before the race, so hopefully that starts decreasing my time.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Good news and bad news

I hopped on the scale this morning and to my slight dismay I was up to 186, after running a half marathon this weekend. But then the body fat readout came on and I was at 26.1%, 90bps less than my best of 27.0% (100bps = 1%). So it may be that I added muscle from the running on the weekend. I expect that after a few more days, the incremental weight loss will again outdo the incremental weight gain from muscle and I'll start losing again.

In the category of "Ph.D's can be stupider than you might think" for the week. I'm trying to get over this cough, but I didn't want to miss another track workout. So Sarah came and got me, and we went and ran in the rain. Not only did we run in the rain, we did intervals, so there was sprinting followed by walking. By the time we were done, our shoes and socks were soaking wet, and I had mud caked all the way up my legs. I did convince her to reduce our cool down run to 2 laps, rather than a full mile. As it turns out, I am coughing less after the run in the rain than I was earlier today. Go figure.