Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Getting over the sickness

I haven't been writing for the last couple weeks...I caught a cold that turned into a cough and kept me from running and writing.  The good news is that I'm back in training now, I went 13.1 miles this Sunday, and a quick 5k this morning.  Over the two weeks where I wasn't running and I was not as strict on diet, I only gained about 1 lb, but it seems like I grew out of one of my smaller pairs of jeans.  So it looks like I lost muscle and gained fat. 
I hit a 2009 low of 184.2 a few weeks back, and now I'm around 185.  So 22 lbs down, and 15 more to go.  I expect that as the long runs increase, the weight will decrease.  Only about 12 weeks to the marathon.

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