Friday, February 6, 2009

London in January is wonderful

All the good running karma that I built in munich...three days in a row...I think I've lost here.  I have been so tired that I've been able to pretty much sleep in til 7  and am adjusting to the jet lag.  The streets are all slushy as well.  long story short, I've been lame in exercising.  I am going to luxembourg this weekend and would like to run 5 miles with my friend raquel one of the days.

I've been pretty good at sticking to the low carb here with dinner (instead of beer), last night I had a great appetizer of thinly sliced scotch beef with a shallot and something sauce...really great.  I should have had two of these rather than the steak for dinner.

I did fall off the wagon Wed night.  My friend Audrey (one of the locals) took me to a bar and put plates and plates of bar food in front of me, after I had eaten almost nothing all day.  So i had some hummus/pita and quesadilla.  But one fall won't kill you, and I'm back on the wagon now.  I am reading my friend laurie's blog about diet and exercising in beijing, and it's helping inspire me to keep on the wagon.

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