Thursday, February 26, 2009

New record low

This morning I hit 188.0 which is my 2009 record low...even after not running this week.  Of course, it may be that the leg muscles I built have just atrophied.  But I like to think that I'm sticking to the diet.  Anyway, it's new ground for this bout of weight loss.  My friend Alissa took me to Nordstrom's today and I got some Lucky jeans.  Apparently I am now hip when I wear them.  I don't understand why my faded jeans from The Gap don't count as hip, but she's an expert.  Also, I get to run again tomorrow morning.  5k is on the cards, and then a long run on Sunday.  Should help re-accelerate the weight loss plan.  Hopefully, I will have to exchange my 34 jeans for 32 pretty soon.
I am now in week 3 of the marathon plan, and let's hope tomorrow and Sunday go well.  I'm gonna do "track work" next Wednesday night with Sarah Burch, so hopefully I don't injure anything. 
My friend Beijing Laurie has evil friends in town from Seattle so I am sending positive vibes out to her to keep the faith and stay away from the carbies!~  Go Laurie!

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